
The Beautiful Transformations of Peanut M&M, Hairspray & Java

Nope! We are not sharing! No really. There are very few things Brittney & I will not share with co-workers or a stray friend who has wondered into the backroom of Java Salon. Need a round brush for your amazing blow-out? Forgot your clippers at home when you were cutting your boyfriends hair? Better yet, need another ADHD (attention deficit hairdress disorder) brain to help you figure out your hair color and foil highlight formula from last month? Either one of us...sometimes both of us, Lord have mercy, will be glad to share. BUT... NOPE... our endless bag of M&M is off limits. Yes, even if we mistakenly put the bag of M&Ms on the community table while we are assisting you with one of the tasks listed above, we are not sharing. Our bond of Peanut M&Ms, Chick Fil A, washed down with Java began some time between "the flood" of 2018 that flowed into 2019 and the 2020 pandemic "shutdown". We had no idea the beautiful transformation Peanut M&Ms, hairspray and 12 years of blending beauty would have on our careers and friendship.

The beauty found in transformation has blended a new excitement for change in 2024. As many of you know, Java Salon has faced & overcome many challenges in the last few years, 2023 was a year of healing, recovery and transformation.

I want to pause for a moment… thank you… thank you for your continued support in the challenging times and thank you for your support in the times my salon company has flourished beyond my prayers & imagination. I opened Java Salon in 2008 with a million dreams and goals, the most personal one was to send both my boys to college. Sixteen years later, both of my sons are thriving in college. Your support of my salon company was a key part to the achieving this goal, my gratitude cannot be put into words. I am excited for the opportunities 2024 holds for Brittney Ford and I.

After almost 12 years of working together we are breaking our bond of Peanut M&Ms, Chick Fil A and Java. Our love of hair color and hair spray will keep us connected for a lifetime. Brittney Ford will be opening her own studio salon, Brittney Ford Hair Co. located in ICT Salon Studios, Westlink location. Her last day at Java Salon will be January 19th, 2024. All currently scheduled appointments with Brittney, WILL TRANSFER . She will be in contact to confirm your appointments or to make any needed changes.

All currently scheduled appointments with me, Christy Crites, will remain the same, at the current Java Salon location. I will continue to work with salon guests by appointment. I am looking to down size the salon company and I will keep all guests informed of any changes.

While, yes, it is bitter sweet to know change is coming, the excitment of knowing there is beauty in the transformation fills my cup with joy. After all, this isn’t a flood, a pandemic, or even a broken leg… IT IS two amazing women excited about the transformation the Lord has planned for each of us.

Blending Beauty Inside & Out,

Christy Culver - Crites